Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Keep the Office Clean

Think about all the people that go through your medical office on a given day. Now think about how many of them sit in your lobby while they wait for their appointment. It's a lot, right? With all of these people coming in and out of your office the furniture may get damaged over time and should be replaced. An article from, "New Year, Fresh Start Inspecting you office for wear and tear," can give you some advice on how to keep your medical office space not only looking good, but also clean for your patient​s. If you're looking into finding some help on who could conduct an inspection the article says, "For most inspections, an office manager can easily do the job. If you are leasing your space from a hospital or a large property management company, Earley says to ask for an environmental services manager or facilities manager to thoroughly inspect your office." ​This article is a big help to all physicians who have their own medical office space. Read it in its entirety, here.

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