Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mobile App as Medical Learning Tool

Physicians and students can now have important medical information at their fingertips. Two new applications by Modality, Inc. and Elsevier, Inc. that provide educational information on medical procedures are now available on the iTunes Application store. Each application is available for $39.99.

Click here to read the full article from Physician’s Digest.

Health Care Report Card: New State Website Provides Inside Look on Hospitals

On Thursday, November 19th, a long awaited Illinois-sponsored website opened to the public that provides never-seen-before numbers on how hospitals are performing across the board, reports an article from The Chicago Tribune.

Anything from how much certain surgeries cost from hospital to hospital to what types of doctors and nurses can be found at each facility is listed on the site.

The website increases transparency in the Illinois health care system and helps citizen’s make more educated choices about which hospitals and services they choose to use. According to Illinois Rep. Julie Hamos, the idea is that “the website will help lower costs and improve the quality of hospitals”.

Click here for the complete article from The Chicago Tribune.

To visit the new website click here.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Northwestern to buy hospital

Lake Forest hospital will become a subsidiary of Northwestern Memorial Healthcare.

Although this purchase is for an undisclosed amount such deals eventually go before

the state and federal antitrust bodies, both requiring financing to be disclosed.

With more than $1.1 billion in cash Northwestern Memorial is one of the wealthiest

hospital systems in the country. Due to this there have been recent talks about

Northwestern Memorial funding Lake Forest hospital for renovation and expansion

but still unclear about getting a replacement facility for Lake Forest's 67 year old


In 1999, $500 million were financed to open a new Prentice Women's Hospital and

$580 million to replace Northwestern Memorial Hospital. These two hospitals were

financed by Northwestern Memorial Healthcare.

Scouting by Northwestern Memorial in the northern suburbs came up with a purchase

of a 10 acre parcel in Northbrook back in 2007 for $9 million. Clinics have also

opened in other suburbs bringing "services where our patients live and work" said


The full article is available at:


Friday, November 6, 2009

Higher commercial real estate prices signal improvement

Things are perking up for the first time in the commercial real-estate sector since its meltdown in 2007, says a November 3rd article published at Reuters.com. The improvement, says research expert David Geltner from MIT/CRE, is due to a combination of effects.

MIT/CRE uses a transaction-based index or TBI to measure trends in the commercial real-estate market. In the year’s third quarter, the TBI has increased by just over 4 percent.

Additionally, seller’s prices are continuously lower, while demand is increasing. Buyers are attracted to the lower prices and this results in a greater number of overall transactions.

To learn more about how the TBI works and read the full editorial, click here.

PLANNING: the key to making a profit on your medical practice upon retirement

According to an April 2009 article published online at Physicians News Digest, there is no reason to be pessimistic about the prospects of making money upon retirement of your practice. No doubt physicians spend a lifetime creating and building their practices – a process that begins as early as at the college level. The inevitable time comes in every physician’s career when it is time to hang up his or her white coat and pass the torch. So how to do so profitably?

The most important take-away is to start thinking about this process years before it actually rolls into action - very few people make a profit on a whim. This is commonly known as an exit strategy plan.

Click here for the full article from Physicians News Digest

For more information on exit strategy planning contact National Realty Network’s professionals at (866) 352-2767

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Medical Wellness Facility Design Diagram

Recently, the hospital built a wellness center in nearby Crystal Lake, Illinois. The Health Bridge Fitness Center, a facility of 57205 square feet, was built at a cost of 5.6 million